Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We had some great company this past weekend as Jordan's family came to visit. It was so nice spending time with Dave, Allison, Jordie, Caitlin, Will, Jeff and Becca. We went to the beach lots and San Diego.. We had a blast playing at home as the weather was not too great. Sawyer absolutely loved being with her cousins. We wish they lived closer. That's for sure!! Love you guys!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Poor Sawyer

Like I said its been a crazy week. Last Monday sawyer got her shots :(
Tuesday she took a big fall and knocked out/smashed her teeth on the edge if our windowsill. We rushed to the ER where they did nothing :/ poor girl was such a trooper though. Worst night if my life! I would have given anything for it to have been me instead.... There is nothing worse then seeing your child hurt.
Then on Saturday she woke up with a fever. She's had that for 3 days now. I thought it was from her teeth and maybe she was fighting an infection. But after a trip to the dentist I learned there is no infection and 2 of the 4 top teeth she had are not broken just shoved up and they will descend back down do my little girl will not be completely toothless like I was worried about. Doesn't look like too much damage with those. Some silver lining. But my poor girl can't catch a break! Shots, mouth injury, and now a high fever. Looks like another doctor appointment tomorrow if her fever doesn't break tonight. On the bright side if all this I have gotten some really good cuddles with my otherwise squirmy worm!

Happy Birthday Sawyer!!!

It's been a crazy week so I'm a little late in writing this post. But here are a couple highlights from Sawyers first birthday.
We had a great day with lots of presents. Books, balls, a castle fort, and push toys. I swear she grew into a child that day. Playing with all her big girl toys....
Not the biggest fan if getting dirty in the cake... Though it was cute how dainty and lady like she was with it.
At her one year appointment she was in the 50th percentile across the board. 21.3 lbs and 29.5 inches tall.
No walking yet. Although with these push toys I'm sure she's getting closer....
Sleeping through the night from 6:30-6
Loves her Gymboree class
She is just the biggest joy and loves do big! We love our little girl. Happy first birthday!!!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

11 months!

2 weeks ago :/ o well better late than never. Sawyer took her first steps 3 weeks ago and has pretty much mastered standing on her own. But hasn't taken too many steps since. She is so big! I look at her and see a little person now... Not so much my little baby :( she is learning words pretty easily and knows ball, tree, duck, dog, book... But everything is still 'that' as in what's that?! Super cute.
She is such a good sharer! She always shares her Cheerios and plug with us. And today at church she shared every single toy she had with her little friend sitting next to us. Such a sweetheart.

Friday, August 17, 2012

10 months

My girl- growing up too fast.... She is working on her top teeth still.. She has been for a while, but they have definitely cut. Still loves to feed herself. Grapes are her favorite.
She wakes up around 6 for the day. She used to wake at 6 , eat, then fall back asleep but now she's up and ready to go. Just like her dad, when she wakes up she is ready to go!
No walking or standing on her own yet. She used to just army crawl, but now that she actually crawls she figures that's a good enough way to get around for now ;)
She claps so well now. It's so cute! She loves when we cheer her on and she hams it up big time.
Her favorite toy is her baby doll. She gives her baby more hugs and kisses than she gives us!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

9 months

Last week sawyer turned 9 months old! She weighed 20lbs and is 28.5 inches tall! My big girl! She's an angel... As long as she gets her sleep. Such a good eater and will try anything! She won't stop either, if you keep giving her food she will keep eating! Especially if she gets to feed herself. She is so loving and can wave hi and bye. And she knows what bye means! If she's done with you she will just wave you off! We're working on clapping and blowing kisses next but she still hasn't quite gotten those down yet.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

8 months!

My baby girl is 8 months old!!! She's just growing up way too fast!
Her little tooth has poked through. Still just the one on the bottom.
She loves to be standing, and prefers to play with her little stand up table. She also enjoys her walker, although its a little hard for her to move on the carpet.
Sawyer loves to make friends with everyone! She is so social and everyone comments on what a happy cute little girl she is!
Shes so smart and she loves her books! Especially the touch ones where she can feel different things. We sure do Love our girl!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Jordan turned 27!!

What an old man! ;)
I made a beach/wave cake for my surfer hubby.... Not my best work but I haven't decorated a cake in over a year, plus I had a needy baby to tend to....
Anyways I love my birthday boy so much! He's the best husband and father that I could ask for.... He's just so fun and handsome... I'm the luckiest girl in the world!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

7 months

My chunky monkey! This girl is getting big! She is crawling (almost on her knees) ALL OVER! I can't go anywhere for a second without this girl not staying where I left her ..... Time for some baby proofing!!!!!

She also Has started pulling herself up on the couch to a standing position.

She LOVES to feed herself... It is definitely her preferred way of eating now (even over nursing sometimes). Hopefully we can make it to my goal of a year without her losing interest!

She loves peek-aboo, brushing her teeth with daddy (which she does almost every morning) and blowing raspberries!

She is so fun, and so happy!! Love you Sawyer!!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Another post about our anniversary?!?! What!!!?!?!? But I wanted to write about our date. It started with Jordan bringing me a bouquet of flowers- a mix of love and Hawaii..... Absolutely perfect! Then we went to dinner at Nicks. It's in the cute downtown area just down our street. We walked up and down del mar while we waited for our table... What! No reservation for your anniversary!? Well nicks was our second choice... We went to Hapa J's first- a cool Hawaiian restaurant -But soon found out that on Monday's they serve their lunch menu all day... So no fancy dinner there :(
But that was alright cause nicks was amazing! We got pork sliders and asparagus fries to start... Then I got the steak and Jordan got the fish and chips.
One of my favorite parts was the hot hot towels they brought to you after your meal... It was like a spa!
Then our waitress brought us a yummy hot fudge sundae on the house for our anniversary! So good!
Then we came home and had chocolate covered strawberries (I know... More sweets)
It was a lovely date to celebrate 3 wonderful years!

Monday, May 7, 2012

3 years

Today is our 3 year anniversary!!!! It feels like we've been together WAY longer than that.... I mean we already have a 7 month old (1 more week).... It feels like I've known Jordan my whole life. He is everything I could ever ask for in a husband and father. He still gives me butterflies and there is no one I would rather spend my time with.

I am so grateful for the beautiful wedding we had. We were so lucky to have all our family and our friends travel so far to Hawaii to share our special day with us. I love that I know I get to be with Jordan for all eternity; forever and ever through our temple marriage. The kona temple was so beautiful and peaceful.... I can't wait to go back so we can re-live our wedding all over again :) such a special day.

And now 3 years later we live in a place that's as close to Hawaii as you can get without leaving the mainland. We have the most beautiful daughter. And still have goo-goo eyes for each other. I love you Jordan!!! Thanks for the best 3 years of my life. Here's to many more!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I am never talking about Sawyers sleep behavior again!!! The second I do she turns into a sleeping nightmare!!!! I say one positive thing... And I get jinxed! Granted this week she had a really bad fever, so she gets a free pass this time.... But every other time I say that she has been sleeping good she likes to make a liar out of me!!! And of course she does good before every doctor appointment, so when the doctor asks I say she's sleeping through the night.... Then she starts waking up every hour or two... And it's too late to ask the doctor for advice.... What happened to my good sleeper?!?!?!?

Monday, April 23, 2012

6 months

Post comes late... Sorry but sawyer turned 6 months!!! I can't believe she's half a year old!!! She had a great doctors appointment. Such a tropper! Barely even cried from her shots. She weighs 17.12 is 26 inches. That's 50th% for height 75th% for weight. She has been sleeping through her middle of the night feeding. We start bedtime routine at 6 and she is down 6:30/7. And will wake up for a little in the late evening, but falls back asleep, then once in the early early morning but falls back asleep. Then I feed her around 5/6. Doctor says she does t need to eat and she doesn't even seem that hungry when she gets her breakfast!

She is sitting up sooooo good! The doctor said he was very impressed. She rolls over everywhere and is crawling backwards and army crawling.

We play a game where we put a blanket over our face and she will grab it and take it off. Jordan was doing it just out of her reach and she crawled/ rolled over to him and took it off!! Such a smart girl!

She can even stand in the corner of her crib for a little bit all by herself ( after I stand her there of course).

She is totally figuring out mama. ( at least her mmmma sounds but I'll take it) she is learning that I come running when she's says it so she's been getting better at it ( uh oh!).

She loves solids - mainly avocado. And she loves feeding herself with her mesh feeder. We also gave her a sippy cup but it seems to be more of a chew toy.

She takes 3 naps a day, 2 short ones, one long one but only if I nap with her... Bad habit I know, but mama needs her rest too!!!

We're introducing sign language... Jordan is much better at remembering to do it than i am so.... We will see how that goes.

She loves being outside and we've had a lot of fun taking her to the beach recently.

However today she was super needy and just wanted cuddles all day.... Let's hope that was just today cause I got nothing done!!!

We love this girl more than anything! She is such a happy girl! And such a blessing in our lives :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter pictures!

My cute Easter baby!!!!