Monday, October 22, 2012

Poor Sawyer

Like I said its been a crazy week. Last Monday sawyer got her shots :(
Tuesday she took a big fall and knocked out/smashed her teeth on the edge if our windowsill. We rushed to the ER where they did nothing :/ poor girl was such a trooper though. Worst night if my life! I would have given anything for it to have been me instead.... There is nothing worse then seeing your child hurt.
Then on Saturday she woke up with a fever. She's had that for 3 days now. I thought it was from her teeth and maybe she was fighting an infection. But after a trip to the dentist I learned there is no infection and 2 of the 4 top teeth she had are not broken just shoved up and they will descend back down do my little girl will not be completely toothless like I was worried about. Doesn't look like too much damage with those. Some silver lining. But my poor girl can't catch a break! Shots, mouth injury, and now a high fever. Looks like another doctor appointment tomorrow if her fever doesn't break tonight. On the bright side if all this I have gotten some really good cuddles with my otherwise squirmy worm!


  1. Oh poor little thing!! I hope she gets feeling better soon. Like you said it's the worst thing seeing them hurt! Love you both!

  2. We've been getting lots of cuddles from Zack too. Hopefully they all get better soon!
