Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wonderful day

This was one of the best days ever! Last weekend I had such a wonderful beach day with my girl. We spent the day at the beach. Sawyer discovered the fun of adding water with her sand. So the day was spent lugging buckets of water back and forth from the ocean to our spot. Of course she would bring it back and dump it right away, then turn around and go back for more. Then we walked along the pier and got ice cream. This girl was so happy to have her very own ice cream that she wasn't satisfied with just hers, she needed mine too! So fun watching her smile so big! Not so fun dealing with the sticky mess but I guess that's what you get with ice cream! We went back to the sand for more playtime. We swung on the swings and this time played much closer to the water so we didn't have to go back and forth so far. Thankfully some older kids left a pretty cool sand castle/playground for us. Such a fun day with my sweet little girl.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


February was such a fun month. We had a couples date night at Disneyland with no kids! Yay for big kid rides!!!!

 But we had lots of Kid Disneyland days too :) Sawyer loves her Minnie Mouse!

I scored my highest points ever with Saywer on my lap!

We love Disneyland with our friends :) 

 We got to go to Hollywood for a night to enjoy my brother's band at the Whiskey! He was soooo good! I am super impressed with my talented brother.

 Lots of beach days with fabulous weather

 There were lots of parties... (Super Bowl and birthdays)!!

 Can't forget Valentines day either!!! What a cutie!!!!
As for my cute girl, She is getting so grown up! She can say so many words. Pretty much can repeat anything you tell her to say.
She LOVES Ariel. OMG does she love Ariel. As much as I fight it, she asks to watch Ariel over and over all day everyday. She is her mothers daughter... I had that movie on repeat as well throughout most of my childhood. She's the happiest thing and loves so much. She has become so affectionate and is active as always.
She is transitioning to one nap. I think we found her sweet spot, but she is very unpredictable. We go to Disneyland at least once a week, and can you guess what her favorite ride is??? The Little Mermaid! How'd you know!? She loves fruit and black beans, is finally building up toys instead of destroying the towers daddy makes, and she can do her shape sorter all by herself. She is so smart and can remember things after one time and from a long time ago... example- There was a house by the beach that had a blow up santa during christmas time. Even now, every time we go past that house she points to it and says "ho ho ho" She loves her matching games, and naming all her toys. I'm sure there's tons more that I will have to add so I have a record of these things cause I'm the worst at writing them down. We couldn't be prouder of our girl!


What a wonderful weekend!!!! We planned a weekend ski trip to Utah for Jordan a while back and then got an invitation to my cousins wedding which just happened to be the same weekend! What luck!!!! It was so nice seeing my cousins from all over. Wish they all could have been there. But it was fantastic nonetheless. The weekend was spent spending time with my brothers and Jordan's family. Thanks Dave and Alli for putting us up!! Jordan's dad Bruce even flew down from Canada! Being with family is my favorite way to spend my time. Friday was spent catching up with Dave, Alli, Jordie, Catie, Will and Bruce and attending the wedding.

Saturday- we woke up and watched cartoons- Sawyer LOVES her cousin Catie.... let me tell you... she just walked around saying Catie... Catie.... soooo cute!! They held hands as they watched tv. This girl NEVER just holds your hand... Maybe, MAYBE when she is trying to take her somewhere to do something for her. but she just sat there and put her hand on Catie's lap and held her hand.  Then Jordan, Dave and Bruce went skiing at snowbird while I went down to Provo with my brothers. It was fun driving around to the places we used to live and work. I checked out my brothers awesome thrift store 'Encore'. Clever huh?! Then I took my brothers out to lunch and went back up to Sandy. We had a fun pizza dinner and the kids had a bath and went to bed.

Sunday- we spent the morning playing with family and then went to church. Sawyer made a liar out of me again this weekend by falling asleep on me in the middle of sacrament meeting! Not even as a newborn would this girl sleep at church!!! But her cousins must have tuckered her out cause she was dead asleep in my arms. After her nap we went down to Provo (this time with Jordan) and drove by King Henry- (where we met) I got butterflies all over again. We hung out with my brothers at my cousins house and visited some more then went back to Dave and Alli's.

Monday- Jordan went skiing and I went to Kneaders... YUM!!!! Sure have missed that place! My brothers and I took Saywer to the park for a little sledding and playground fun. She is a California girl for sure! Doesn't love the snow, but after a while she warmed up to it i think.....  


We had a fun rest of the day playing in the backyard, building a snowman, and packing up to go home.. Always sad to leave :( Can't wait for the next trip!!