Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We're Having A Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the title says.... We are expecting!!!!!!!! We are so excited!!!!!! It's still a little early but we couldn't wait to share our joy!!

T.M.I Warning- Back in January we went and visited my Nana and Papa in Arizona. They bought us a Kokpelli Indian magnet. The Kokpelli is a fertility deity, and let me say it works!!!!! We got pregnant right when that magnet entered our home! :) Thanks Nana and Papa!!!

Our first ultrasound at 7 weeks

Our Second Ultrasound at 9 1/2 weeks! This was the cutest ultrasound ever! It was moving and dancing, shaking it's arms and legs.... so cute!

I am due October 25th, and we are just so excited for him or her to be here in time for all the holidays. I have been soooooo tired and sooooo nauseous ALL THE TIME!!!! I have no idea what I am doing here, so any advice would be wonderful!


  1. Oh my goodness!!! How exciting! Your parents are probably wetting themselves! Don't worry, most of the time the nausea and exhaustion goes away by the second trimester....most of the time. Your due date is 4 days before Tadd's birthday! My due date was October 24th! Crazy! Congratulations!!!

  2. Yay congratulations! Fortunately for me I was not sick at all, so I'm not sure what to say about that. But I have heard it gets lots better in the second trimester. I hope it does for you! Congrats again!

  3. Congrats you guys! This is very exciting. It will be fun to watch you grow and be all cute and pregnant. I need a Kokpelli fertility Indian magnet! Super happy for you :) and a little jealous ;)

  4. Felicitations! I hope your nausea goes away soon. Were you prescribed diclectin? I've tried it but it helped better for Kelden than for this one. It's different for everyone but,like you were told, nausea should get better after the first 3 months...unfortunately it might come back...like for me in this last month! But by then, you know it's almost over ;) Focus on the joy!!!!

  5. Congratulations!! I am so excited for you two! You'd think with all the medical technology they have they could come up with something to get rid of morning sickness, but unfortunately it seems you just kinda have to ride it out. Anyway, it's all worth it in the end...congrats again!

  6. Yay I'm so happy for you two. Pregnancy can be hard sometimes, but completely worth all the tiredness and sickness in the end. So hang in there, you should start to feel a little better, they you just get uncomfortable:) Congrats!

  7. YAY!! We're so happy for you two! First grandchild.....he/she is going to be soooo spoiled:)

  8. We are sooo excited to finally be grandparents. We know you will be great parents!! Thanks to Nana for the magnet..We love you guys.
