Thursday, January 20, 2011

85 Degree (30 C) Weather in January!!!

This past weekend was so beautiful!!! I couldn't believe how warm it was!!!!! I wore shorts and flip flops and no jacket! So we spent our Saturday at the beach! We packed up a little picnic, the ipod, and Jordan brought his surfboard and we spent some time at the ocean.... well, my camera stinks and this is how far i could zoom in trying to get a picture of Jordan surfing, and after I looked away for one second, I could not even tell which one Jordan was! So needless to say I didnt take any pictures... How lame am I?!?!?! So i listened to my Summer time playlist and did sudoku puzzles while Jordan caught some waves... He got up a few times, I'm glad he is getting better!!! Next time I will be a better photographer and capture the amazing scenery, I guess I was just too busy enjoying it!!!! :)


  1. Sweet Day! We are going through an amazing cold spell but i enjoy it as its nice and dry. I am a little jealous of 30 but i will take what i can get. Thanks for the temp in celcius and the post

  2. Make sure you leave us some heat for our summer here! Pack lots of sun with you when you come ;) We love the picture, makes us want to come and enjoy the ocean. Not sure we would be brave enough to try surfing though :)
