Sunday, December 18, 2011

2 Months!

This post comes a couple days late, it has been pretty busy since Sawyer turned 2 Months old....

Poor girl had to get her shots, and she was a trooper at the doctor; stopping her crying once I could hold her.... but that afternoon and evening she wasn't too happy.... :( Broke my heart....

One Week..................One Month................ Two Months..........

I can't believe how much she has grown.... she weighed 12 lbs 7 oz... she is in the 90th percentile for weight, and was 23 inches long 75th percentile for height... We have a big healthy girl on our hands! :)

She is such a joy, her latest accomplishment is learning how to "talk". We have had quite a blast having conversations with her... She is so good at imitating. Now that she has gained some weight she hasn't been rolling over like she was at 2 weeks old. Most nights she does extremely well (knock on wood) taking her last feeding at 9ish and going to sleep and not waking up til 3:30ish give or take, then again around 6:30/7 which has allowed me to get some sleep! Love that girl! Keep it up please!

She is discovering her hands and is constantly grabbing and waving them... it's pretty cute! She is not a huge crier, pretty much stops when she gets picked up or gets her binkie, and she is just such a happy, content girl.

We are looking forward to her first Christmas... She has been the greatest gift we could ever have asked for!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sawyers' Blessing

We had Sawyers' Baby Blessing this past Sunday. What a special day! She just looked so sweet!

Jordan did an excellent job. Blessing her with talents, desire for education, close relationship with her parents, leaders, and her Heavenly Father.

Proud Daddy....

Proud Parents....

Sawyer got to have so many wonderful people bless her. Her Dad, of course, Papa Steve, Grandpa Bruce, Her Great-Papa, Uncle Dave, Unlce Todd, Uncle Kyle and Uncle Chad.

We also got to take a 4 generations photo

Thank you to all who came! We love you very much!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

One month old

Happy Birthday!!!

One Week
One Month

Today Sawyer is one month old!!! I can't believe she's been here for a month already. Yet it seems she's always been a part of our little family. Time went by so slowly waiting for her to arrive. And now I just want it to slow down!!

She is getting so big!!! She can hold her head up all by herself and has been doing so since day 1. And she can roll over from her tummy to her back. She is not one for running errands, and gets real fussy if we have been away from home too long. She has the sweetest personality and i swear she can understand whats going on cause she will smile at the perfect moment. She gets the best sleep in her bouncer and on more than one occasion I have put her there at night instead of her bassinet so I can get some sleep.

She eats every 3 hours and makes it 4 hours sometimes during the night giving me an extra little bit of sleep! She is a mamas girl which I love and don't love cause sometimes I am the only one who can keep her happy which doesn't allow me to get much done. She has got to be held during the day and will wake up within a few minutes of I put her down.

So I am so grateful for my mom. She makes sure that Jordan and I are fed, the house is (somewhat) clean and that my dog has food and water. Without her Jordan and I .. and our dog would starve to death. So thank you mom!!! Hopefully now I can start being more productive around the house.

I love my little girl to death! Happy one month!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sawyer Scott

Sawyer Elanna Scott

Born 10-13-11 at 6:19 pm

7 lbs 10 oz- which was a surprise cause they estimated 6 lbs 5 oz only 4 days before

19.5 in long

Blonde hair, Blue eyes


We named her after my grandmother (NANA) whose name is Annalee, so we flipped it around )minus one "e" and her middle name is Elanna (E-lawn-a).

We just love her so much!!!! What a blessing that has come into our lives. I never knew I could feel this kind of love... It is indescribable!!!! Things that were once important, aren't important anymore.... and every song I hear all of a sudden has new meaning.... I want so much for her, to be happy, healthy, and safe.... I want the world to be a better place because now our baby is living in it! She is the sweetest thing, and now I can't imagine life without her!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Hospital

At the Hospital!!!!!!!! I had a date with the doctor on October 13, 2011 at 7 am to get induced, this is me the day I had Sawyer! I swear I wasn't that big the night before.... It was 8:30am by the time we were all checked in and situated, and thats when my doctor came in and broke my water and was put on Oxitocin. I got a yummy red popsicle for the occasion, thats why my tongue is so bright!

By 11am my contractions started..... At first I was thinking this isnt so bad! Maybe I can do this without an epidural..... The nurse even came in around 12 and said the anethsiologist was going into a c section and wouldnt be able to get to me for at least another hour so if i wanted it before then I would have to take it now... I said "I can wait" no later than 5 minutes I wished I had not said that!
PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The contractions started coming so close together, like 2 minutes apart and lasted an hour each... ok maybe a minute.... so the nurse gave me some drugs I could take in the mean time, and wow did they make me loopy!!!! I was slurring words and it felt good! I could still feel the contractions, I just didnt seem to mind them! Then finally at 2 I got the epidural.
Much more content!!! :)

Then at 5:38pm I was ready to push!!!! I don't want to get to graphic here, so if you want details you can ask me for them! You would not believe what labor feels like unless you've been there.... Not entirely what I was expecting... I thought pushing would be so painful, but that wasnt even the worse part!! There was just so much pressure and I was so numb from that and the epidural, but I could feel everything, and it was strange!

And at 6:19 pm our beautiful baby girl was born!!!

Aw, sweet relief!!!! I'm so glad my mom caught this special moment between me and Jordan. It was quite the experience!

After she was born they gave her right to me (without a bath, but at least wiped her off with a towel) and we had what they called the "Miricle Hour" where we cuddle skin on skin with no interruptions. It was very special!

First Family Photo!!!

All Clean!

Daddy's turn!

More family photos

Family loving!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

36 week checkup

I got to go to the doctor today and have an ultrasound. I love getting to see my baby girl! The appointment went well, and at 36 weeks she weighed about 5 lbs 13 oz. which is a little on the small side (which i am happy about for delivery purposes) but its never a good feeling to hear that your baby is in the 30th percentile... makes me a little nervous.

The doctor said it was nothing to worry about, but instead of me going on my maternity leave on October 10, she wants me to start next week on the 3rd. Just so I can take it easy and not be on my feet all day at work. That way the baby can get a little bigger.

Other than that they said everything looked great. There wasn't really a reason she was small, her umbilical cord flow was "beautiful" so she is getting everything she needs, I guess I'm just on my feet too much!

So only 3 days of work left! Then I get to sit around and wait and wait and wait for 3 weeks. Hopefully I can put some of this nesting to good use! The doctor said her head was VERY low, (possibly resulting in the baby coming early?!) So hopefully I can have a good maternity leave, and not drive myself crazy!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Maternity Photos

A couple days ago one of my best friends came down to San Clemente and took some Maternity Photos. She is starting up her own Photography Business and she is GREAT!!!

Although I still feel a little small to be taking Maternity Photos I couldn't pass up the chance to have Jami take my picture before going back to Germany next week!

So, here are a couple...... I know it's totally cliche' but I love the Heart Belly Picture!

Thanks again Jami!!! Can't wait to see the rest!!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Just wanna say that on Friday I went to Legoland and Disneyland all on the same day.... Man, I LOVE where I live! There is a reason why California is so popular.... We are very spoiled to get to live here! :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Yesterday we went up to Valencia to have a BBQ with some friends, since we were going up there we figured we would put our free passes to Hurricane Harbor to use!

I forget how HOT Valencia is, we are for sure spoiled by the weather in San Clemente, we have nice days with nice ocean breezes, but up in the desert it is not that way..... no wonder they have a water park!!! :)

Jordan went on a couple rides...

And hung out in the wave pool.....

While I relaxed in a lounge chair drinking frozen lemonade!!!

Of course he stole a few sips!

After that we went to our friends house and had a very nice BBQ. They were wonderful hosts, and it was nice to be with family and friends!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ocean Days at the Pier

I LOVE San Clemente.... The summer time is fun!!! Most locals don't like all the tourists, but I think it gives the beach a fun energy! Yesterday there was an Ocean Days Festival... it had sand castle building contests, surf contest, boat rowing contests, and lots of booths and food!

All along the Pier they also had a "woody" car show! It was cool to see all those woody's on the pier at the beach...

We liked this old one, it reminded us of a car from Disneyland or something!

The beach was very full and fun, and unfortunately I got a bit of a sunburn eventhough I sat under the umbrella, I guess pregnant skin is super sensitive!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I am the worst blogger ever! It hasn't helped that we have been moving and getting our Internet set up (which only works for a couple hours a day and then randomly stops working). So I haven't really been able to blog.

So for starters, we found a new apartment just a few blocks away from the beach and we love to go on walks down to the pier.

We also went to the doctor for my 20 week appointment, and of course the baby's legs were closed but they still think that I am having a girl!
I am now 23 weeks, and some days i look huge, others not so much...

It was Jordan's 26th Birthday on June 12, and I made him a cheesecake, although it didn't turn out as good as his mom's it was still pretty tasty!

For Jordan's birthday/first father's day, I got us tickets to go see Les Miserables! It was fantastic!!

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures, but this last week our good friends Brad and Katie were renting a beach house nearby and we got to spend a lot of time with them. They are so great! We sure do miss having them close....

This upcoming Thursday we get to fly to Canada and spend about 9 days with family. We sure are excited for a much needed vacation after all this moving!!!!